Naghsh-e Jahan Square
“Naghsh-e Jahan” Square or King square, is one of the most beautiful and precious historical monuments of Safavid dynasty at the heart of Isfahan with the area of plus 8 ha. It is registered in UNESCO World Heritages list. The historical edifices around this square are: “Ali Qapu“, king mosque, “Sheikh Lotfollah” mosque and “Qeysariyeh” […]
Vank cathedral
Vank cathedral or the The Holy Savior cathedral is not only a church of amazing paintings and architecture but also a unique museum of precious artistic works. It is located in Julfa quarter of Isfahan with the area of plus 8700 sq.m. During 1604 to 1606, The Armenians of Iran living at the northwest borders […]
Chehel Sotoun palace
Chehel Sotoun palace is one of the most beautiful monuments of Safavid era in 1636 with 2120 sq m area. It has 3 entrance gates and a large traditional pool in front of the edifice. The flora consist of Persian Pine, Elm, Maple, Plane and Tree of Heaven. The building is a composition of Persian, […]
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque
Sheikh Lotfollah mosque is situated in Nagsh-e Jahan square and was constructed by master Mohammadreza Isfahani by order of first king Abbass for the honor of “Sheikh lotfollah Jebel Ameli”, the king’s father in law. It was actually the private mosque for the king and his family and there was a hidden way from it […]
Ali Qapu
Ali Qapu edifice which was called “Dolat khaneh” (Government House) in Safavid era was built in 1598 on the west of Naghsh-e Jahan square across from Sheikh Lotfollah mosque. It is decorated with amazing miniature and acoustic arts. It had 5 doors in the past which one of them is remained now. Ali Qapu is […]